使用更安全。 有時,使用傳統卷管器時候您會意外地將手卡在盤內。 自動卷管器可以更輕松地卷起軟管而不會給您或他人造成任何危害,消除了這種隱患。
保持棚屋和花園整潔。 與未纏繞的花園水管相比,自動水管卷軸在保持區域井井有條的同時非常出色。
Automatic Hose Reel options have a lot of benefits such as:
Motor driver hose reels allow you to wind and retract your hose easily and save more time than manually using a crank operated reel.
Safer to use. Sometimes you’ll accidentally get your hand stuck inside the wheel using a traditional reel. Automatic reels relieve that fear by making it easier to reel up the hose without causing any hazards to you or someone else.
Keeps your shed, and garden looking neat. Automatic hose reels are great at keeping the area organized and provides more security than an unwound garden hose.