氧氣自動卷管器生產廠家之一力山牌卷管器。旗下Superreel氧乙炔軟管卷盤焊接氣體軟管卷盤。 我們提供各種焊接軟管卷盤,以處理不同長度的氧乙炔雙線焊接軟管。 輕松將它們安裝在商店固定區域或移動設備(例如拖車或手推車)上。 通過安裝焊接軟管卷盤,使車間整潔,可減少絆倒的危險,從而提高工作環境的安全性; 同時保持軟管的使用壽命。 在需要的地方和時間有效地部署您的焊具; 我們的軟管卷盤具有便利性,可靠性和多功能性。旨在提高工作區域的安全性,從而提高生產率和效率。全流軸旋轉,雙密封“ O”形圈可防止泄漏。溫度工作范圍-20華氏度/ -29攝氏度至+250華氏度 / +120攝氏度。非常適合在焊接應用中使用雙氧乙炔。
Superreel line of welding gas hose reels are some of the best in the industry. We have a variety of welding hose reels to handle varying lengths of oxyacetylene twin line welding hose. Easily mount them on anything from stationary areas in your shop or mobile units such as trailers or carts. Keeping your workshop neat and tidy by installing a welding hose reel will enhance the safety of your work environment by reducing tripping hazards; all while preserving the lifespan of your hose. Efficiently deploy your torch where and when need it; with the convenience, reliability, and versatility our hose reels deliver on.
Designed to increase safety in the work area with a resulting increase in productivity and efficiency.Full flow shaft swivels,Double-sealed, "O" rings prevent leakage.Temperature operating range - 20 degrees F / -29 degrees C to +250 degrees F / +120 degrees C .Ideal for dual Oxy-Acetylene use in welding applications.