雙排液壓油管自動卷管器ESDH370F是一款特備適合叉車使用的工程臂架往復卷盤 -適合工程類車輛以及叉車等的作業要求,能夠滿足長時間往復大拉力動作的結構,能夠適應各種地域以及極端氣候.
力山卷管器廠家生產各種軟管卷管器,電纜卷盤,可提供非標定制,我司可提供雙管,多管液壓卷管器,歡迎來電咨詢,185 5109 0389 李工.
Hydraulic hose reels are the perfect solution to facilitate the transmission of power to your hydraulic tools wherever they are needed. With our diversity of mounting options and reel configurations, you can mount our hydraulic reels practically anywhere; from mobile applications to stationary sites – to help you get the job done in a variety of scenarios.
We also offer Multi-line hydraulic hose reels. Ideal for kinds of Cranes and forklifts, narrow double post and high-capacity design, made for your special application in the field of hydraulic use.
Reels are perfect for operating hydraulic cylinders, tools and equipment. All-steel body is compact for easy use in tight work areas. Heavy-duty reinforced steel stamped guide arm. Permanently lubricated reels for long life.