一般來說只要將軟管卷管器垂直安裝在堅固的表面上,無論高度如何,都可以滿足使用。 安裝沒有低高度要求。當然理想的高度是使開口與用戶的手所在的位置成一直線,但這僅是一個指導原則。
How high should I mount a hose reel?
As long as the hose reel is mounted upright on a sturdy surface, you should be good no matter the height. There is no minimum height required for mounting. The ideal height is to have the opening in line with where the hand of the user will be, but this is only a guideline.
Superreel available in a variety of installation, vertical, horizontal, car, suspension, etc. to meet the requirements of different space and conditions.